
Sunday, 26 September 2010

Papa's Style

Of course I couldn't develop the adventurer style without talking about "The Great ERNEST". Long time ago, a friend of mine counted me this fabulous writer, hunter, fisher, drunker…  his life, corridas, cuba, travels, spanish civil war, holywood friends, ww2, his end… of course old souvenirs of my own dad who lives in Africa when he was young in the 60's, largely influenced me and motivated me to know a little more about this celebrary "barbudos". Near 40's years old,  tweed or old chino pants with hunting vest is still my favorite style…Style of a lost world…style of the hemingway's life

Ernest the wild child
Young Ernest
French style
Paris "Montparnasse Style"
Safari's lover
Spanish civil war
"Pilar" Ernest'  boat
Mojito, machine-gun and son (a bit frigthened pic)

Ernest loves Ernest
WWII friends (with Capa)
Beard an cap
Striped tee for Ernest
Ernest hungry or drunk ("papa commence à taper dans les boîtes")
Turtle neck
Stetson and antelope vest for safari
Boots collection…


  1. some of my favorite pictures are the ones Capa did of Ernest and is buddy Gary cooper ......been to papa's key west house many times when i lived in florida .if you havent read it yet ,get CAPA'S autobio called :"slightly out of focus" a great read i'm sure you'll enjoy.

  2. Thanks Patrick, I've read this CAPA'S autobio, and I dreamt and traveled page after page…living fast no fears, loving and charming women… and of course … sad ending but no matter !!!! living living living !!! I love

  3. was bidding on an original edition of the book last year and lost arrrrgh!!

  4. Love the french style, i didn't know these pics.

    Do you know that each year a "look a like Ernest contest" takes place in Florida ?

    BTW, not fan of the antelope jacket even on Ernest ! ;)

  5. oh yes… white beard and irish turtle neck…I work a lot to win this Ernest contest next july 2030 !!!!
    y'en a qui on vraiment qu'ça à br…

  6. J'ai vu ça sur arte il y a quelques années,ça avait l'air plutôt sympa, assez alcoolisé aussi...

  7. …oui comme il se doit… Ernest était un picolo notoire… mais avec une classe folle… à part son goût pour décimer tout ce qui porte plumes, poils et cornes… le bonhomme me passionne… était-il aussi passionnant que ce qu'il écrivait ??? je préfère peut-être ne pas le savoir et continuer à réver des soirées cubaines avec Ava Gardner et la bande de déglingos d'Hollywood by night…

  8. Ah le mystère du chat tigré disparu est enfin dévoilé ! Ernest pose ce fusil ! : )

  9. "Ernest the wild child" - the fishing creel basket, love!
