
Monday, 22 November 2010

Good look for Forest rangers /Norfolk jacket

Great Norfolk model with classical buttoned belt on single breasted jacket…
"Many Forest Service men went into the armed services when the United States entered the war in 1917. Their association with allied troops abroad seems to have encouraged a widespread preference for a change in the official uniform to one based on a British military-style Norfolk jacket. A single breasted jacket, it had numerous variations and was already familiar in this country."…


  1. Ah oui c'est très beau ! Vraiment magnifique. Je préfére que tes sacs à dos pourris hi hi hi !!

  2. y a une copie LVC sur ebay en ce moment

  3. pas vu… ceci dit, lvc et la laine, ça n'a jamais fait bon ménage… peux tu me donner les ref please …

  4. The Levis Norfolk's in cotton, but it's nice.
    I think it was supposed to be a cameramans jacket.

  5. it's a khaki cotton jacket.just type norfolk + title and descriptions.......
