Thursday 6 October 2011

The perfect 2012, winter style !

Off course when you say "Cossack" to Mister FCC, the first thing he has in mind, is the LEVIS A1 MENLO JACKET (also called the "Cossack" model)… But Winter will be hard and a summer jacket will not be enough !!!!
Astrakan fur hat, "Bourka" (long coat), "Bachlyk" (silk vest), "Charovary" (large pants)… everything you need to know, to be the best stylish man of Caucase, this year!

Wool cossack coat for 30's movie

Caucasian love stories for 20's actors

French Cancan… just a little bit higher…with style!


  1. Je trouve ça très beau avec le port du sabre.

    (Big Mama)

  2. le retour d'Ivan Rebroff et du kazachok ..fais peter la vodka et sabre le champ,les longues soirees d'hiver vont etre festives .......

  3. Hahaha!!! je vais vérifier de ce pas si la barbe que porte mon homme n'est pas une barbe Cossack.... ;)

  4. Man, that's hardcore! Those astrakhan hats are quite nice.

  5. I have one of those in black! In the Republic of Georgia it's called a chockha and is part of the national costume. I lived in the former Soviet Union for many years and in those days, I went native with my vintage shopping.

  6. Very interteresting… thanks a lot "Gina Americana"
