Wednesday 24 November 2010

Apaches in the late 1800's / early 1900's in France (part 4)

Apaches or Ex… Free and funny interpretations by Dave Decat from Bruxelles (with special Thanks to Big Mama and Fernandel !…)


  1. C'est un bon ce Dave Decat ! Il a fait plein d'illustrations pour Carhartt mais j'ai jamais réussi à chourrer en skate shop les panneaux publicitaires ! Mince alors !!! ;)

  2. Ahh, les bat. d'af. toute une époque...

  3. Les Joyeux.

    We went to see Decat's "Un autre con..." expo near Antwerp a few years ago, great stuff. Been trying to get some of his artwork but he's hard to get hold of. Shame.

  4. i've been following him for a while, but hard to get as no real website or address.i've sent some emails but no answers.....too bad i wanted a poster

  5. il a aussi réalisé une série de teesh pour la marque française SIXPACK!
    très bon
