Thursday 4 November 2010

Denim for Jackson…

Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956) was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. During his lifetime, Pollock enjoyed considerable fame and notoriety. He was regarded as a mostly reclusive artist. He had a volatile personality, sometimes struggling with alcoholism. In 1945, he married the artist Lee Krasner, who became an important influence on his career and on his legacy. Pollock died at the age of 44 in an alcohol-related car accident.

Young Jackson in 1937 (with french beanie hat)
Jackson and his wife Lee Krasner in the late 40's

Jackson at work
Always dripping
Thinkind and walking…

Jackson and Lee with a guest  in 1949

Very "Depression" look


  1. Great pics l'ami ! Et jolie la tenue d'artiste avec le beret et le foulard ;)

  2. c'est ma pollock attitude…!!!! comme ça je peux faire des taches sans me faire gronder !hahaha!

  3. had this one saved in my favorites a while ago .think you might like it ..

  4. Thanks Patrick I knew this video… I really like this period…!!!!! Free style art, Be bop jazz and bongo-beat generation…!!!

  5. Nice and inspiring pictures !
    I've always been impressed how artists always have that kind of nonchalance ... whatever they are wearing ...

  6. je viens de découvrir ton blog via un post sur redingote!
    j'ai passé toute la nuit à la feuilleter tellement je le trouve hallucinant!
    travail magnifique...
    et comme je le soupçonnais nous avons une connaissance en commun, rémi du groupe jazz/swing narbonnais le smoky joe combo
    encore bravo

  7. Merci Bcp Darwin…ça c'est de la déclaration…!!!!
    Heureux de te rencontrer via le net… Je ne manquerai pas de chiner du côté de chez toi dans la soirée… encore merci… amicalement… Vilbo FCC

  8. haha ok mais moi c'est beaucoup moins excitant.. malheureusement... plus commercial on va dire, enfin pour l'instant!
